Thursday, January 14, 2010

Latest Mac OS X 10.6.3 beta adds OpenGL 3.0 support

Since the release of Apple’s latest operating system, Snow Leopard (10.6), there have been two main patches. These have both been relatively minor in terms of fixes and changes, though the latest update, 10.6.3, aims to be a bit more substantial when it comes to upgrades.

As discovered by Hardmac forums, the beta of the 10.6.3 update includes OpenGL 3.0 support, bringing many more graphical capabilities to the operating system. As AppleInsider noted, graphics cards found in Mac computers support OpenGL 3.0, so the only step now is to improve the software somewhat; a step being taken in the latest update. So far, 22 out of 23 extensions are now supported, though the majority of the associated OpenGL 3.0-specific functions are yet to have support in 10.6.3.

Backwards compatibility is said to be there in 10.6.3, as one would expect; in addition to that, support for OpenGL 3.1 is at 12 percent, whereas OpenGL 3.2 is a bit further, sitting currently on 33 percent. If you’re a Mac user, the latest update will hopefully become available soon, as Apple seems to be progressing quickly with it.

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